In June of 1961 twelve Chevrolet collectors and enthusiasts such as yourself, met and created a non-profit organization for the preservation and restoration of old Chevrolet cars and trucks. This organization became known as the Vintage Chevrolet Club of America, Inc.
In the past 65+ years, our membership has grown worldwide with members not only in the United States, Canada and also numerous International countries. With a membership of over 6,000 folks, we have many years of Chevrolet experience with fellow enthusiasts and technical advisers who specialize in particular model years.
In addition, the VCCA provides its members with an outstanding, award-winning, monthly magazine, called the Generator & Distributor. The G&D features a full color photograph of a member’s Chevrolet on the front and back covers, historical information, technical data and specifications, special interest articles, region information and stories on member’s cars. The articles are enhanced with excellent photos to make the reading enjoyable.
Our members submit all articles and pictures. One of the outstanding features of the Generator and Distributor is the classified section, which includes: Cars and Parts for Sale, Cars and Parts Wanted, as well as Services Offered. Your Membership includes limited free advertising every month in each of the categories, excluding commercial vendors. Special rates for the commercial vendors are available. This is a good way to find those hard to get parts.
The Vintage Chevrolet Club of America invites you to share our enthusiasm and dedication to the preservation and restoration of Chevrolets and to enjoy the fellowship of its members through national and regional activities.